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ALCHIMY is a FOLK band created in Geneva in 2012. ALCHIMY is part of a musical trend that some describe as Folk Fusion. Their influences are abundant but the fusion takes place manly because to the alchemy of their 3 lead voices, music and words. Led by the trio Nathalie, Loane and Céline, the group offers original and authentic compositions in French and English. The band has several bands: trio, quartet, sextet and full band 7 to 8 musicians and a great personnel assistant.

Folk Fusion Trio! David Rubene, Twin cities Media

First Album 10 songs in in French and 2 in English named: Chercheur d'Or: "Gold Seekers in English"

Album Chercheur d'Or on YouTube :


Written in French and English Chercheurs d'Or reflects all the poetry and musicality of ALCHIMY. Album produced and recorded at Studio La Buissonne, in collaboration with Nicolas Baillard and Romain Castera.

“All three founding members not only take the lead from song to song, they most often sing together, as a well-blended group of character-filled troubadours.”

D. Rubene, Twin cities Media,

Second Album: Beyond the Shades on YouTube:


The group asserts its identity and sets out to meet new musical horizons. The 2nd album places ALCHIMY in the tradition of songwriters while revealing their originality. Album produced and recorded between Minneapolis and the Forces Motrices Studio in Geneva, in collaboration with Owen Sartori and Davidé Raso F5 Soundhouse Studio Minneapolis and David Weber Forces motrices recording studio geneva Switzerland.

Songs available on :


ALCHIMY NEW 2022 singles ON YouTube:

I Don’T Buy It:


Some Miles Away:




ALCHIMY is a FOLK band created in Geneva in 2012. ALCHIMY is part of a musical trend that some describe as Folk Fusion.
Their influences are abundant but the fusion takes place with the alchemy of their 3 voices, the music and and the lyrics words in poetry.
Led by the trio Nathalie, Loane and Céline, the group offers original and authentic compositions in French and English. The band has several bands: trio, quartet and sextet.

“Folk Fusion Trio! David Rubene, Twin cities Media Minneapolis-USA”

The group asserts its identity and sets out to meet new musical horizons. The 2nd album Beyond The Shades unite strong Folk vibes and Poetry and places ALCHIMY in the tradition of songwriters while revealing their originality.

Album recorded between Minneapolis-USA and Geneva Switzerland at the F5 Soundhouse Studio Owen Sartori and Davide Raso and the Forces Motrices Studio in Geneva, in collaboration with David Weber.


http://www.signegeneve.ch/gene....ve/lac/alchimy-un-gr by Nathalie Rendu, host of Country in the City on Radio Cité Genève 92.2

https://twincitiesmedia.net/bl....og/folk-fusion-trio- july-14th-preview/, by David Rubene

https://www.divideandconquermu....sic.com/indie-music- researcher-d-or, by Matt Jensen


Radio Cité Genève, Charlotte Lang “Meeting”:





Online music/ videos:



ALCHIMY_Lyrics_Je te demande pardon_CHAAA1808765_118BPM

Je te demande pardon,
Pour toutes mes parts d’ombre,
Quand le joyau s’éteint,
Lorsque la mort nous étreint,
Il est incalculable le nombre,
De tout ces petits riens,
Qui noircissent la pénombre,
D’éclairs de tonnerres et de pluies en trombe,
Je te demande pardon,
Pour toutes mes parts d’ombre,
Qui m’ont changé en Roi,
Et puis anéantit,
Qui t’on souvent mentit,
Jusqu’à perdre la foi,
Je suis atteint dans mes songes,
Et le mensonge me ronge, et le mensonge me ronge,

Je te demande pardon,
Pour toutes mes parts d’ombre,
Qui projettent sur toi,
Des lois qui ne t’appartiennent pas,
Et qui exigent en nombre,
Des réponses qui ne sont pas de toi,
Sans plus entendre,
Ni les mots ni les gestes tendres,
Je te demande pardon,
Pour toutes mes parts d’ombre,
Quand le courage me manque,
Et que l’amour se planque,
Derrière les cris, les drames,
Lorsque épuisé en larme,
Tout devient si noir,
Toi, tu continus, d’y croire, Tu continus d’y croire,
Il en faut des kilos de patience, Pour chasser la méfiance,
Peu de mots et beaucoup de silence, Pour trouver la confiance,
Et de forces conjointes, Aux portes des exclus,
Notre amour s’est mue, En complicité sans feinte, en complicité sans feinte,
Il est temps d’effacer,
Toutes ces paroles, que l’on a prononcé et même parfois pensé,
Tous ces actes et ces pactes qui nous ont tant marqué,
Et laissé pour mort, perdu dans le remord,
Avoir raison ou tord, y’a vraiment de quoi suffoquer,
Mon ami, Mon Amour, Il est temps,
De donner la vie a tout ces petits moments,
Tout simplement
Tout simplement,

/ ::
