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Artista: Makiko
Titolo: НАДЕЖДА (Speranza)
Casa discografica - Gd Records MusicaISRC:IT5U42300876
Tipo – Genere pop: pop alternativo
Avviso ai genitori: non contenuto
Autore/i: Luigi D'Ambruoso
USCITA: 01/11/2023


Makiko unveils debut single "НАДЕЖДА" (Hope) under the music label Gd RecordsConversano, 01/11/2023 - The long-awaited moment has finally arrived with the announcement of artist Makiko's first single, titled "НАДЕЖДА" ( Hope). The song will be released on November 1, 2023 and will be available on all major digital stores. Makiko is the pseudonym of the multifaceted artist Luigi D'Ambruoso, who immersed himself in the world of experimental ambient music to bring this extraordinary creation to life. Influenced by the masters of the genre, including the iconic Sigur Rós, Luigi D'Ambruoso composed and created the song "НАДЕЖДА" (Hope) with a mastery that will enchant ambient music enthusiasts. This track represents a unique fusion of ethereal sounds and evocative atmospheres, demonstrating the artist's ability to take the listener on an emotional and captivating sonic journey.
The magnetic voice that characterizes "НАДЕЖДА" (Hope) belongs to the talented Eugenio Amato, an extraordinary singer who recently became famous thanks to his participation in the television program "The Wall" hosted by Michelle Hunziker. Eugenio Amato's interpretation adds a level of depth and passion that further enriches the listening experience. The record label Gd Records Music is proud to present "НАДЕЖДА" (Hope) as Makiko's debut single. This song is a tangible testimony of Luigi D'Ambruoso's dedication and creativity in exploring new musical horizons. Gd Records Music, known for its commitment to promoting exceptional artists and innovative works, is thrilled to support Makiko on this extraordinary artistic journey.

For further information, interviews or press inquiries, please contact:

Gd records music
Address: Via San Flaviano, Conversano
Telephone: +39 3208914478
Email: gdrecordsmusic@gmail.com
Website: www.gdrecordsmusic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GdRecordsmusic/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gd_records_music/

A preview of the single "НАДЕЖДА" (Hope) will be available soon on select platforms. Stay tuned for a unique and emotional musical journey with Makiko and her extraordinary sonic creation.

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